GeoHot Has Not Escaped! He Will Be Back To Jailbreak Sony Xperia PLAY

Yesterday we have seen a big rumors circulating around the Internet. We have seen a lot of websites mentioning that GeoHot has run away from the trial against Sony. If you are unaware, George Hotz is currently facing a trial against Sony for jailbreaking PlayStation 3 firmware 3.55 console. However, it was just a big rumor and there is no reality behind it. GeoHot has cleared this confusion by updating it on his blog.

This is what he has said:
Apparently, I have fled the country. ROFL
Factually, it’s true I’m in South America, on a vacation I’ve had planned and paid for since November. I mean, it is Spring break; hacking isn’t my life. Rest assured that not a dime of legal defense money would ever go toward something like this. And of course Townsend loves the idea of painting me as an international fugitive. I have been in contact with my lawyers almost every day; I would not let the case suffer. That said, I also won’t let this ridiculous lawsuit run my life either. Then the fearmongerers win.
I will be back, I hear it’s hard to come by the Xperia Play down here. 

Earlier we have updated you that Sony has claimed GeoHot does have a PlayStation Network (PSN) account. It will become complicated for Hotz if Sony proves its claim. That was the only reason which made some websites thing that he has fled and run away from the trial.By the way check out the last line written by GeoHot. Again he is showing his intention to jailbreak Sony Xperia PLAY.

[Via VeryRite]
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