Enable Multitouch Gestures iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad on iOS 4.3.1 [How to]

Want to enable Multitouch Gestures on your iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad ? Now you can enable multitouch gestures on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad running iOS 4.3.1. New jailbreak tweak called MT Gestures allows you to enable multitouch gestures on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on iOS 4.3.1. Simply install MT Gestures tweak on your jailbroken iPhone, iPod touch and iPad then enable it in winterboard.

You should note that MT Gestures tweak will not add any new icon on the springboard of your iPhone. A new toggle will appear in the Settings.app of your iOS device. Simply go to Settings.app to configure this tweak. MT Gestures is available in Cydia under ModMyi repo.

You MUST have jailbroken device on iOS 4.3.1 or above you can follow this guide (Redsn0w for Windows / Mac) , this guide (PwnageTool for Mac) or this guide (Sn0wbreeze for Windows) .

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