How to Install / Icy on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, iPad [Guide]

For who don't know, Icy is a Cydia competitor. Icy has a friendly-interface, it's simillar to Cydia, but Icy was always the faster and smoother. Icy is availbe for donwload but it's in beta version right now.

Icy now compatible with all iOS devices running any iOS version upto the currently iOS 4.3.2.

How to install / get Icy for iPhone, iPod touch or iPad :

Step 1: Jailbreak your device
Step 2:
Download Icy (it will be available by next week) , but it's now available in beta at iSpazio, you only have to go to Cydia then tab on Manage > edit > add then att this rep, after you install this repo go and search for Icy. That's it.

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