iOS 5 Leaked Feature - Automatic Download & Over-the-Air Updates

One of MacRumors readers has noted a new feature that must be coming in iOS 5, is being tested in iTunes. Marccelo discovered that when he asked iTunes to check app library for updates, iTunes' update page reveals a new feature as shown in the below screenshot. Check it out after the jump.
Or if your device has Automatic Download enabled for apps, your updates will download to your device without having to sync.
What does this sentence mean? You will be able to automatically get app updates to your iOS device. Presently, this process is being done manually.

Another new features :
It also suggests that there is an Automatic Download setting for other items besides apps. Apple has been rumored to be making a push into over-the-air updates as well as some sort of wireless syncing. Rumors of AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule updates have also hinted at such a feature.
The leaked features has been deactivated quickly due to the slip up.

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