iOS 4.3.4 Permanently Kills Untethered Jailbreak

Few months ago, the iPhone hacker i0n1c has found untethered exploit which were used till iOS 4.3.3. 12 days ago, Comex released JailbreakMe 3.0 to bring the first iPad 2 jailbreak to the world. 2 days ago, Apple released iOS 4.3.4 to close Comex’s PDF jailbreak exploit and prevent iPad 2 jailbreak.

Surprisingly, Apple didn’t close Comex’s exploit only. iOS 4.3.4 has killed i0n1c’s exploit too forever. In other words, some hacker must find a new untethered exploit for iOS 4.3.x or wait till iOS 5.
According to @i0n1c on Twitter:
For those that did not get it: iOS 4.3.4 does not only fix jbme3 as announced, but also silently kills the ndrv_setspec() integer overflow.
In addition to that iOS 4.3.4 also adds code to dyld to detect attacks with binaries using “incomplete code signing”.
“Incomplete codesigning attacks” were used for all untether exploits from at least iOS 4.1.0
Wonder if {Apple] only tried to stop my xploit from modifying LCs at runtime with the new check, or if they knew it would stop [incomplete codesigning] attacks.
Apple starts again and again the cat and mouse game. Let’s see who wins at the end!
                                                                                                                                                  (via TiPB)

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