iPhone 5 Coming To US On 5th September (REPORT)

Our friends on iPhoneItalia has got some confirmed news from very reliable source which believes that the iPhone 5 will be coming to the United States on September 5, internationally on October 5 this year. The site has confirmed it’s coming at least on Swisscom’s network.

iPhoneItalia via Google Translation:
“From a very reliable source we learned about the business strategies of Swisscom relation to the release of iPhone news has caused a 5 and particularly our interest: the Swiss provider will have the iPhone to 5 October.
According to a senior executive of Swisscom, for obvious reasons we can not mention, the Swiss provider that has previously sold the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3G, iPhone sales will begin from October 5.
The same source tells us that the iPhone will be launched in September 5th, only to be launched in all states only in October. The manager says 100% sure of the above, because Apple would have already contacted the main mobile operators to agree on how to distribute the iPhone 5.”
iPhoneItalia is a very reliable and trusted website and we on CydiaHelp trust this site. Previous reports confirmed that the iPhone 5 will be coming in September.

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