Siri : Make Custom Siri Commands [ New Way Discovered ]

We have some interesting news for iPhone 4S owners: you may be able soon to make your own custom Siri commands.

The news comes from a tweet from the iPhone Developer Aman Gupta, which was confirmed by the developers chpwn well known, includes a screen indicating that thedeveloper has found a way to add custom commands to the Siri.

The developer said that currently no jailbreak necessary, "but you must be on a network that allows you to redirect traffic through a proxy Siri (via iptables, etc.)" Gupta added, "are actually redirecting traffic to the server through a Siri proxy that allows me to return personalized answers "
Well, a jailbreak for iPhone 4S may be necessary to publish the method. We saw a tweak that allows many actions to be added to the system feat Siri / Ures. That's why we do the jailbreak!
(Source: Twitter)

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